Hi I am trying to run a gapfilling python script from PySEBAL that uses GRASS with the terminal command. I have already installed grass_session with the pip command using Anaconda.
I have tried using the LINUX and Windows environmental variable and run the program
export GRASS_BIN="/Applications/GRASS-7.8.app/Contents/Resources/bin/grass78
Windows adjusted to the mac
export GRASSBASE="/Applications/GRASS-7.8.app/Contents/Resources/bin/grass78
export GISRC="/Applications/GRASS-7.8.app/Contents/Resources/demolocation/.grassrc78"
export PATH="/Applications/GRASS-7.8.app/Contents/Resources/lib:/Applications/GRASS-7.8.app/Contents/Resources/bin:/Applications/GRASS-7.8.app/Contents/Resources/scripts"
However, when I run the script, it can't find grass_session because there is no link between Anaconda and GRASS.
Any help someone can provide would greatly be appreciated since I have spent a couple of days going no where. Thanks.
Kind Regards,